
When the student is ready, the master appears. ~Buddhist Proverb~

If you want to learn Tarot & Numerology and feel the desire to expand your knowledge of the unknown, you will gain most under the blessings and guidance of Dr Seema Midha, a renowned Tarot Expert & Ace Numerologist in Asia.

Being associated with Bharat Nirman award winner, Dr Seema Midha, we take humble pride in learning and imparting knowledge to anyone who wishes to learn Tarot & New Age Numerology. From Corporate houses, who wish to de-stress their employees for better work performance to depressed individuals who want to improve their lives, we conduct effective tarot /numbers counselling sessions for anyone in need.

Simply by knowing your date of birth, I, Dr Seema Midha can help you overcome your many fears, doubts, illusions and help you lead a happier, peaceful life. Though we are based in India, we go the extra mile by offering Tarot /Numerology learning classes, via internet & video conferencing to anyone, anywhere in the world.

We hold endless Seminars, TV & Radio Shows, newspaper & magazine columns and Tarot/ New Age Numerology counselling workshops throughout the year, all over the world. With over three thousand students, enrolled in our active learning workshops, our excellent Tarot learning/ New Age Numerology sessions encourage genuinely interested students to make a fulfilling career or helps needy individuals.

The desire to learn never ends and we are here to enhance your knowledge. Reach out to us now and book yourself now for effective learning which can change your life. FOR ALL THE INFORMATION OF THE CLASSES/WORKSHOPS/SEMINARS CONTACT 9818003205/9810761300/9350882421

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